Moorish constitution C. It mandates the practice of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. that the Honorable Supreme Council of the Moorish America Republic has seen fit to issue the following Political Constitution of and for the Moorish American people. . This Moorish Constitution is the necessary document that provides all of the Moorish people with the opportunity to compete in the world for the betterment and growth of achievements as well as moorish – american (nationality name) h--- public bill--- g jurisdiction founded upon the philadelphia home rule charter’s article 1, section 1 – 100, pursuant to section 1 of article xv of the constitution and act of the general assembly, april 21st, 1949 p. The Divine Constitution and By-Laws $ 3. He is one of the few taught by Noble Drew Ali who put his knowledge and development to the PEN, thus making a profound difference to the positive; for the Moorish Nation. There Jacob Shallus, a clerk working for the Pennsylvania General Assembly, was responsible for physically writing and transcribing the United States Constitution. Being Sundry Free Moors / Muurs and Natural Beings pursuant to: Moabite / Moorish Pedigree; The Free Moorish Zodiac Constitution; The Great Seal of the Moorish Nation (Ab Antiquo); The Treaty of Peace and Friendship - 1787 / 1836; The Sundry Free Moors Act of 1790; The 1781 1. One of the key aspects of Moorish American Nationality is the recognition of the Moorish American's ancestral connection to the ancient Moabites and Canaanites, who inhabited the northwestern and the usages of the laws and edicts of the Moorish Science Temple, The Divine and National Movement, that govern our Body Politic (The Holy Koran Of The Moorish Science Temple, Koran Questionnaire (101’s) and (Our Authority) Religious Affidavit of Organization Form No. , #13, Moorish American National Republic and birthrights for the Moorish Americans, Etc. Preface The Zodiac Constitution Moorish Adepts, Moorish Scientists, Master Masons* Eastern Stars, Sheiks, Sheikessess Neophytes, Great Seal PhDs. " Union States Lawyers and Attorneys operate in Demo - political format, which is contrary to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States. According to Article VII of the Constitution, it would go into effect when nine of the 13 sta The Amendments to the Constitution are important because they outline the freedoms given to the American people. $ 3. The Fez is also part of our religious expression, and it is protected by the 1st Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Constitution for the Moorish National Republic of Peace. All members must adhere to All Laws within the Moorish Science Temple of America Divine Constitution and By Laws. Moorish Nation adherents may refer also to the Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Republic, United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors (NUNM), MU’UR Republic or other variations. The United Nuwaubian Nation Of Moors . The Clock of Destiny volume 1&2 and the Moorish Zodiac Constitution became notable must have information which inspired a new generation of Moors interest in astrology and law, and needless to say that it sparked a more in depth search for truth of our history. The document lists several legal Accompanying the collection is an itemized list, made by the donor, of the contents of the collection. This is C. FREE MOORISH-AMERICAN ZODIAC CONSTITUTION: (Zodiac Constitution and Birthrights of the Moorish Americans) - being Ali, Bey, El, Dey and Al, affirmed and supported by Article two (2), Paragraph two (2). white supremacie aggainst themsellves for it is the moors who are the true white sovereignes at law. We, the members of this Moorish Constitution National Cultural Club, must The Moorish sovereign movement, sometimes called the indigenous sovereign movement or the Rise of the Moors, is a small sub-group of sovereign that mainly holds to the teachings of the Moorish Science Temple of America, in that African Americans are descendants of the Moabites and thus are "Moorish" by nationality, and Islamic by faith. These rights include: The right to self-determination and to exercise their own political, social, and economic governance under the Constitution of the Moorish National Republic of Peace. Constitution has endured for over 200 years, but the most important is that it was designed to change and grow with time. This introduction is just one sentence long, but it has been referred to in many judicial opinions and sp The United States Constitution is not only a foundational document of American democracy but also a symbol of freedom and justice. The complete compilation of organic words expressed in Act-1 composes the whole Constitution of Moorish America intact. , LL. 00. The collection contains several legal documents regarding the official registration of the Moorish Science Temple of America as a corporation. Fortunately, accessing the full text in PDF format makes it easier fo A flexible constitution is one that is easily influenced by change and is readily amended by general legislation. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, under the leadership of National Grand Sheik Joel Bratton-Bey, we address and present the LAWFUL and LEGAL methods for ending the social and political subjugation of our people (so-called negros, blacks, coloreds and African-americans). Constitution was written by the delegates to the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. Download PDF. Learn more about us or contact us for additional ACT 7. This exclusive study guide is a must-have for active members of The Moorish Science Temple of America. e. In fact, Acts Four and Five of The Divine Constitution and By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. WHEREAS OUR MOORISH POWER AND AUTHORITY COMES FROM OUR NATURAL BIRTHRIGHT AND THE "GREAT SEAL". government but also enshrined the rights and liberties of American citi Delegates from Rhode Island did not attend the Constitutional Convention because they opposed the idea of a strong federal government. One of the best places to find an authentic and h Constitutional democracy is a system of government in which the limits of political authority are clearly stated and the electorate has the power to remove poor performing governme The Constitution of the United States is referred to as a “living document” because it the architects of the document intended for it to be adapted by future generations. Understanding this critical text is essential fo The six goals stated in the Preamble of the U. 1099, Charter/Mandate, Divine Constitution and By-Laws Of The Moorish This document serves to notify the recipient of the sovereign status and rights of Moorish nationals. , Baylor Rahim El Bey or El Baylor Rahim Bey. The AMPAC Constitution provides details of the individuals responsible for the administration of government, their responsibilities roles and responsibilities, as well as the rights of all AMPAC Nationals. Discover the full measure of divine content and meaning in a Morocco's Constitution of 2011. This essay addresses the rhetorical constitution of identity. " — Act 6, The Divine Constitution and By-Laws MYTH: Moorish Americans are Masons or Shriners. Bey in 1965. The Divine Constitution of Moorish America Act 1 - The Grand Sheik and the Chair-man of Moorish America are in power to make law and enforce laws with the as-sistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of Moorish America. Moorish subjects lost their nationality only by becoming naturalized in, or protected by, another country having treaty relations with the Moorish Empire. Purchasers will receive a copy sealed with the corporate seal of the MSTA. Section 1 contains the “Full Faith a There are many reasons for why the U. M. -The Grand Sheik and the Cba,nnaa of the Ambassador Temple of Moorish America, EMB No. Moorish Literature The Moorish-American Institute was founded by C. The Divine Constitution and By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America is the highest governing law of the organization. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. Bey explains the Constitution of the Science Of Man and how it is assimilated into Civics and Societies. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, through the guidance of his Father God Allah. ' Dive deep into the profound teachings tailored for true Moorish American Moslems, seeking clarity and insight. Although Moors often take this title, “Ali” is a title of Mastery, evidenced, among other things, by published scholarship. N. The reason why treason is defined is that, under English common law, crimes were defined by courts based Citing legal documents can often feel daunting, especially with foundational texts like the U. 665, pursuant to article ii, chapter 2, section 2 – 201 (5), AMPAC is a dejure provincial state government under the preexisting authority of Morocco (Empire). M. One of the most notable contributions of Moorish The architectural heritage of the Moorish Americans is a fascinating blend of various styles, combining elements from both Moorish and American traditions. Constitution because he believed that it gave too much power to the central government at the expense of the state governments. pdf) or read online for free. They built magnificent cities such as Cordoba and Granada, which became centers of learning and innovation. If you have a question about your Moorish government officials, visit the FAQs page or contact us at your earliest convenience. The Moorish Supreme Court of Equity and Truth was established by Moorish Science Temple the Divine and National movement of North America, Inc #13 the Moorish American National Republic through the Divine authority of Prophet Noble Drew Ali form 1099 in conjunction with Article 3 of the organic constitution of the United States of America, Executive will of Abraham Lincoln inclusive craft this outline entitled: The Moorish Rules of Procedural Order providing a mechanism to stand as being the applicable principles governing key activities of meeting and general procedures, including but not limited to: • Establishing a Constitution and Bylaws for your student organization. These 10 amendments were designed and ratified to prevent the federal gov The introduction of the United States Constitution is called the Preamble. Moorish sovereigns tend to be black and younger; many get started on this path in prison. [Connally-Bey, T. E. The Moorish nation of 150,000,000 of the U. It must be understood that the establishment of AMPAG with its full powers and authority, has replaced the fictitious chartered colony formerly known as the state of Georgia. Constitution are to create a more unified government that upholds justice, peace, defends and advocates for the health and prosperi The framers of the Constitution drafted it in response to failings of the U. The sovereign citizen movement (also SovCit movement or SovCits) [1] is a loose group of anti-government activists, vexatious litigants, tax protesters, financial scammers, and conspiracy theorists found mainly in English-speaking common law countries—the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Several agencies have been notified of this concern due to forgery and imposters pursuant to Article 6 of the Clock of Destiny Moorish Zodiac a supreme violation of the MOORISH Zodiac Constitution birthrights of ISLAM. [1] "The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites who inhabited the North Western and South Western shores of Africa. 4 %âãÏÓ 33 0 obj > endobj 46 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[623308E9184691448C277D06B7E81CBB>]/Index[33 24]/Info 32 0 R/Length 73/Prev 117677/Root 34 0 R Beware of forgery or imposters. Constitution was ratified through votes in the individual state legislatures. Bey’s Moorish Constitution for members only and it does not pertain to other Moorish groups. We Honor all the Divine Prophets: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Confucius. ARTICLE 1: (HISTORY) This is our Azizan Moorish Constitution and Declaration of Independence based upon Natural Law and Zodiac Law, which are universally the same. Act 1. out from your Sunday School comes the guiders of the Nation. Some amendments include the right to keep and bear arms and the rig A constitutional republic is a type of government in which the officials are elected by the people. And to be a real Moorish leader you must study the Koran and the Divine constitution that is handed down unto you by I, the Prophet. King] on Amazon. It is bec Popular sovereignty, which is a type of governance based on the consent and approval of the people, appears in Article VII of the United States Constitution. Constitution defines the relationship of the states toward one another, and their relationship to the federal government. We, the members of this Moorish Constitution National Order of the Great Seal, must promote organized effort in the category of all legal business enterprises such as: Chain stores of necessary human consumption; housing and building programs; agriculture; printing; literature; home group education in the Moorish Science of the Zodiac involving This is your Nationality and Identification Card for the Moorish Science Temple, The Divine and National Movement of North America, Inc. The republic must govern according to the laws of the constitution, and its acti Living a good life is a universal aspiration, but the definition of what constitutes a good life can vary greatly from person to person. A Moorish American cannot be convicted on false accusation-frame-up charges. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America constitute the Bill of Rights. and the Washitaw Nation. Moorish-American community; therefore, be it : 5 RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE : 6: HUNDRED SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that : 7: we declare the month of August of 2022 as Moorish-American : 8: Awareness Month to further the awareness of Moorish-Americans : 9: and the Moorish Science Temple of America. Divine Constitution by-Laws - Free download as PDF File (. Alexander Hamilton believed in interpret The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a written introduction to the statutes listed in the Constitution. —The Grand Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, Free and Sundry, Moorish Science Temple of America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the force the Moors, the Beys and Els, to pay taxes be- cause taxation without representation is a supreme violation of the Moorish Zodiac Constitution birth- rights of When the Union lawmakers denounce their immoraEMägna Charta Code, and resort to the Moorish Zodiac Constitution, the Moors are com- pelled to pay taxes because every one of the Nation Moorish Constitution and Nationality Progressive National Order Founded by C. landwatch this version then wat Feb 20, 2011 · The Settlers that came to the lands of the United States befriended the (black) Moors and even had a Peace Treaty with them. For those looking to explore this essential According to the preamble to the Constitution, the main goals of the document were to provide liberty, see to the welfare of the people, create peace and tranquility, defend the co The Constitution is important because it established the fundamental laws and principles that govern the United States of America, and outlined the individual liberties guaranteed Article 1, Section 8, clause 18 of the United States Constitution gives Congress power to make any laws considered “necessary and proper” for the nation. We, the members of this Moorish Constitution National Order of the Great Seal, must promote organized effort in the category of all legal business enterprises such as: Chain stores of necessary human consumption; housing and building programs; agriculture; printing; literature; home group education in the Moorish Science of the Zodiac involving human character, sociology, economics, commerce Moorish American Crescent $ 2. citizens. The head of any Temple can maintain an emergency fund, which cannot exceed the amount of from twenty-five cents to fifty cents a week per member. We are the Moors of Morocco, the mothers and sons, in northwest Amexem, northwest Africa, north America, and standing on our five points of light, love, truth, peace, freedom and justice; in order to restore a balanced order, just protections, reciprocal wealth and cultural integrity for ourselves and our jus sanguine heirs, do establish this law of restoration for Allodium Moorish Praedium Divine Constitution and bylaws. Understanding th. Citizens must obey Dec 31, 2018 · This is a reading of the Divine Constitution and By-Laws from the Moorish Science Temple of America, divinely prepared by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali. MATHEMATICAL SCALE 0-9 WRITTEN BY THE CREATOR. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Feb 25, 2018 · All Moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love, and their bodies clean with water. Analyzing the rhetoric of Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of America, I suggest these discourses rhetorically transformed black Americans’ identity to a people resignifıed as a unique racial and religious community—Moorish Americans. Constitution declares citizenship to all people that are either born in or nationalized in the United States. The Moorish kings were patrons of the arts, sciences, and architecture, leaving behind a legacy of stunning palaces, mosques, and gardens. While Moorish sovereigns generally adopt practices common among other sovereign citizens, their unique pseudo-historical perspective shapes their actions and tactics. Zodiac Constitution You might laugh at the thought of such a Constituency, but if so, you have not done your Math. Branch Temple Information $ 5. However, constitutional sup The United States Constitution was drafted in 116 days. This same document has been re-copyrighted in 1994 with the Moorish Nationality Card. , Master Astrologer arid Moorish Constitution Law Giver is the author of Clock of Destiny I and II. The below 'Recording Service' is for Moorish-Americans that are seeking assistance in completing their written nationalization documents for publication; and the below 'National Identity Card' is for qualified Moorish-Americans. Mar 16, 2016 · Among the many individuals and groups espousing affiliation with the Moorish Science Temple of America movement, some continue founding prophet Noble Drew Ali's emphasis on engaging in American citizenship as a religious duty, while others interpret the prophet's scriptures to lend authority to claims of being outside the jurisdiction of American legal authority. Therefore, by the MOORISH Zodiac Constitution, the MOORS -- the Beys and Els, can demand adequate employment, food, clothing, shelter, medical care, equal rights and respect and protection from mob violence rape and injustices; otherwise without being obligated to the Union Church and religious system of the order of Christ -" the 'white' son Jan 10, 2014 · In compliance with the provisions of the second transitional article of the Political Constitution of Moorish America Republic, this is made known to all nationals, members, affiliates, etc. Moors operate in a Republican Form of Government, conjoined with Isonomi Principles - being in harmony with the Constitution. Others absent were Thomas Jefferson, the fore According to the U. Article 1 of the United St The United States Constitution is one of the most significant documents in American history, serving as the foundation of the nation’s legal system and government. Source: "The Moorish American Moslem National and Religious Head Dress" SECTION. It was a document signed among the 13 original colonies that established the United States of America Constitutional supremacy means that no laws or actions can violate a nation’s constitution. Jun 22, 2019 · A lesson on our Moorish Divine Constitution and by laws by Swift Angel 25. Now I know we all know American History and dont need another History lesson, on the first thanksgiving Nor "1. It asserts the importance of Natural Law, the influence of celestial forces on human decision-making, and the protection of individual rights and social justice as foundational tenets The Moorish kings, or caliphs, ruled over Al-Andalus with great sophistication and wisdom. The great missionary work for all active Moorish Americans is the enforcement of our Constitution for the United States of America. Popular sovereignty is The Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) is a renowned newspaper that has been at the forefront of investigative journalism for decades. ) under the consular jurisdiction exercised by the officers of the Morocco Consular Court at the Maryland state republic via the Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Aug 10, 2023 · Moorish sovereigns cite that treaty to claim that Moors in the US have sovereign status, meaning they would be exempt from normal laws and regulations. Moorish Great Seal Zodiac Constitution; and Affirmed by Articles IV and VI of the Constitution Covenant of 1774 - 1781 A. The Constitutional Convention was a group of delegates from each state that gathered to write the Constitution. com. All Unlock the secrets of the Divine Constitution and By-Laws with 'Scientific Interpretation of the Divine Constitution. He had about 40 hours The U. Considering the imperative to reinforce the role which belongs to it on the international scene, the Kingdom of Morocco, active member within the international organizations, is committed to subscribe to the principles, rights and obligations enounced in their respective charters and conventions; it affirms its attachment to the Rights of Man such as they are Beware of forgery or imposters. 1201 M. S. Such “passports” are characteristic of the groups that have emerged from the original Moorish Science Temple, a religion The document outlines the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish America as established by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Constitution was written and the values it represents. The United Nuwaubian Nation Of Moors. Item #RVZD05 Jul 29, 2010 · “I am a citizen of Moorish America, an Ordained Government prepared in due time by the Great God,” reads a typical contemporary “Nationality and Identity Card” from a branch of the Moorish Science movement. Bey President and 3 rd, 33 rd and 360° Free Moorish-American Master Mason At Cleveland, Ohio, August 1 st, 1952 HIKMATUN UMRUN Moorish Nation Latin Language PREAMBLE 1. Constitution is a foundational document that outlines the framework of our government and embodies the principles of democracy. On June 17, 2021, near the foreign corporate LA PLATA, Maryland republic, our Moorish American national Jafar Abdul Adl El was released from the custody of Sheriff Troy D. Many political leaders attributed the widespread econ The Preamble to the Constitution mainly serves as an introductory statement that outlines the reasons the U. Although the P The United States Constitution is a fundamental document that not only established the framework of the U. Learn More. 00 The Holy Koran $ 8. Zodiac Constitution by C. C. Our RECORDING SERVICES cost $160 and include the following: U. Constitution provides: This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Georgia is a Moorish Latin phrase that literally translates to Free Moorish Estates Before Georgia. Questionnaires $ 2. D. The Moorish Science Temple of America is an American national and religious organization founded by Noble Drew Ali (born as Timothy Drew) in the early 20th century. = 1201 M. There are three original examples of the “Divine Constitution,” and two original seals. This Moorish Constitution is the guarantee for our people to be free and acknowledged by other nations of the world as free from any forms of hostilities. unequivocally states: Act 4- “All members must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all members must obey the laws of the government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and partial of the government, and must Article 2 Zodiac Constitution Bi rth rights The tVloorish American (The Bey's and El's) Since the l2 furymen of the 50 Union States, Manga Charta document of White Supremacy and the nine judges of their Supreme Court were founded upon our Moorish Zodiac 12 Signs, Mathematical Constitution, the lawmakers have no jurisdiction over the Free Moors "The Constitution" Of An Indigenous peoples. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Understa Patrick Henry opposed the U. Jun 18, 2002 · This is a Treaty of Peace & Friendship, established between Us and the United States of America, which is confirmed & which we have ordered to be written in this Book & sealed with our Royal Seal at our Court of Morocco, on the twenty fifth day of the blessed Month of Shaban in the Year one thousand two Hundred,2 trusting in God it will remain Permanent. The Moorish sovereign citizen movement is a collection of independent organizations and individuals that emerged in the early 1990s as an offshoot of the antigovernment sovereign citizens movement, adherents of which believe that individual citizens hold sovereignty over, and are independent of, the authority of federal and state governments. I are in power to _make laws and enforce laws with the US&stance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Ambassador Temple of Moorish America. : 4. A. T. As sovereign beings, Moorish nationals are only obligated to the laws of the Moorish nation and protected by various international laws and treaties. , LLDS* The Erudite of Jurisprudence, Amanuensis Masters, and WOFId Scholars, have studied and marveled* upon analyzing the written Zodiac Moors that are classified as "stateless" are 'subjects of these dominions' in accordance with Article 6 of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire. " Jun 17, 2021 · Moorish American objects to de facto foreclosure sale and shows conclusive proof of fraud, defends home on 8-2024 Consul General Lamont Maurice El gives aid to Moorish American to repossess Barbershop due to fraud eviction case on 3-6-2022 Feb 16, 2025 · C. Under the authority declared, recorded and published on the Form 1099 (Document #10105905: Cook County Book 521, Page 579, August 01, 1928);The Holy Koran Circle 7, Chapter 47; Constitution and By-law of The Moorish Holy Temple of Science; Religious Corporation Act (805 ILCS 110/); Conveyances Act (765 ILCS 5/); Notice by Publication Act. It is “Divine” because it represents a Covenant between Allah, his Prophet, and the Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. However, one news outl The Constitution is difficult to amend because it requires a supermajority of either members of Congress or a supermajority of state legislatures to propose a new amendment for rat The 27 amendments to the United States Constitution are additions that were ratified by the required number of states and have formally become part of the Constitution. The paper presents a framework referred to as the Zodiac Constitution, emphasizing the governing principles for the Moorish-American nation rooted in astrology. the former acting addministrative clerkes ov the 50 States Union Order do not have the authoritie nor shalle they attempte to kompclle the moors, the cls and beys, to pay taxxes ande no one reepresentes the moors, we preesente oursellves. It asserts that Moorish nationals are the indigenous peoples and nobles of North America by birthright. —The Grand Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Some of the countries that have constitutional monarchies include the United Kingdom, Thailand and the Solomon Isl The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution has long been a subject of debate and controversy. Wade, the first thing that crosses your mind is probably a person’s right to choose — and, in particular, a person’s right to access healthcare and abortio A constitutional democratic republic is a type of government based on the principles of a constitution in which officials elected by the people represent the people in the legislat A loose interpretation, also called loose construction, means that any right not forbidden in the Constitution is granted to U. The 14th Amendment also ensures that al The Framers who created the United States Constitution chose the idea of Federalism because they wanted a government that was able to unify a belief within the states without dimin The United States Constitution is a foundational document that outlines the framework of the government and the rights of citizens. Moors emphasize their commitment to constitutional rights, engaging with public officials and institutions to advocate for their entitlements. "2. , as lawfully adopted for The United States Republic, establishing its Republican Form of Government. D. Beware of forgery or imposters. Privacy Policy; Terms and Conditions 4 The Divine Constitution and By-Laws Act 1. Moorish Americans and the Path to Reclaiming Our Nationality. All Moorish Nationals and citizens must keep their hearts and minds pure with love, and their bodies clean with water. 01 THE DIVINE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS A ci: 1. The Preamble is best recognized by its opening statement, “We t In today’s digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, it can be challenging to discern what sources are trustworthy and reliable. The evidence against a Moorish American must be concrete proof beyond the shadow of doubt. I t was organized and headed under the name of ‘Clock Of Destiny National Cultural Club’. Constitution. 00 [Clock of Destiny Members]: Pleased be advised that members with their Moorish sir names are entitled to Moorish Advice and how to apply the Moorish constitution in regard to their Moorish birthrights: Pursuant to Article 2, 4 and 6 of the Moorish Zodiac Constitution. The Moorish Science Temple of America is not a fraternal Moorish constitution - Free download as PDF File (. 1. To fully comprehend the Second Amendment, it is essential to understand it The first constitution of the United States was the Articles of Confederation. Berry and the foreign CHARLES COUNTY DETENTION CENTER (Inc. Moorish Americans are not Masons or Shriners. - All members must promptly attend their meetings and become a part and partial of all uplifting acts of the Moorish Science Temple of America. , shall not be destroyed for lack of truth and knowledge of the law and constitution of the MOORS. The Divine Constitution of the Moorish is the world‟s 2nd shortest amass of constitutional laws of any government on earth to date, save the United States. With a rich history and a commitment to deliv Article 4 of the U. Oct 10, 2021 · by C. Throughout history, philosophers and schola Under Article Five, the Constitution can be amended in two ways: through a two-thirds majority vote in Congress or by a two-thirds vote of a national convention at the request of a The U. It convened The Constitution of the United States stands as a monumental document that has shaped not only American governance but also inspired democratic movements around the globe. The Constitution Of. Sons and daughters must obey fathers and mothers; be industrious and become part of the uplifting of fallen humanity. 00 Products. Islam Moors! The Divine and National Movement of North America, Inc. It outlines 7 Acts that establish the leadership structure of the Grand Sheik and Prophet, designate Friday as the holy day, and require citizens to proclaim their nationality as Moorish Americans. It establishes the Grand Sheik as the head of Moorish America with power to make and enforce laws, assisted by the Prophet and Grand Body. The United States has a flexible constitution because it contains The 14th Amendment of the U. An "Indigenous Peoples" Drafted By: Maku: "Chief Black Eagle" Of The Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, Seminole, Creek, Shushuni, Washita. Constitution, states are not permitted to enter into a treaty, coin money, emit bills of credit, pass any bill of attainder or grant titles of nobility. Humanity $ 5. Under no circumstances are we to remove our Fez. The Fez is also a birthright for the male Moorish American Moslem. As a Moorish American you MUST study and show themselves approved to invoke consular jurisdiction for aid and assistance Feb 19, 2014 · Enter NationalNomics (The King-dom of Divine Free-dom) The Moorish Code: Enter NationalNomics -The Moorish Zodiac Constitution The Great Seal. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Moorish American art is a vibrant and distinct form of artistic expression that has had a profound impact on contemporary society. Truth is freedom, debt is sin www (Postliminium per Consanguinity) Preamble: We the Moors in Morocco, the mothers and sons, of northwest Amexem, northwest Alkebulan, the Northgate, and standing on our five points of light: love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice, in order to restore a balanced order, just protections, reciprocal wealth and cultural integrity for ourselves and our jus sanguine heirs, do establish this Law of Sep 17, 2024 · Importantly, Moors view themselves as lawful citizens who respect and uphold the Constitution, rather than as anti-government factions or sovereign citizens who often disregard established norms. Bey, , Ph. Moorish Americans are governed by the Constitution and By-Laws brought to us by the Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The is the ONLY Moorish Science Temple teaching the full National side of the Moorish Movement. It can exist in countries with a broad range of governments. Moorishamericangovernment. %PDF-1. Moors honor and strictly adhere to the true and divine creed of Islam brought by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the last Prophet in these Ambassador Temple of Moorish America EMB No. government under the Articles of Confederation. Bey’s work. We are the 1st to bring the public real-time 'geo-sociopolitics' from Maghrib al Aqşá (North America) to the rest of the world! Click the link below to view and stay informed: Gouverneur Morris (/ ɡ ʌ v ər n ɪər ˈ m ɒr ɪ s / guh-vər-NEER MOR-ris; [1] January 31, 1752 – November 6, 1816) was an American statesman, a Founding Father of the United States, and a signatory to the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution. l. Preface The Zodiac Constitution Moorish Adepts, Moorish Scientists, Master Masons, Eastern Stars Moorish people have indispensable collective rights that are necessary for their existence, well-being, and integral development as a sovereign people. This unique fusion has r The U. Moorish-Americans (Moors) honor all true and divine Prophets of Allah: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, etc. The origina There are at least 34 constitutional monarchies that exist today. force the Moors, the Beys and Els, to pay taxes be- cause taxation without representation is a supreme violation of the Moorish Zodiac Constitution birth- rights of When the Union lawmakers denounce their immoraEMägna Charta Code, and resort to the Moorish Zodiac Constitution, the Moors are com- pelled to pay taxes because every one of the Nation Moors came from all over to Cleveland to get more information on C. When the Union lawmakers denounce their immoral Magna Charta Code, and resort to the MOORISH Zodiac Constitution, then the MOORS are compelled to pay taxes because every one of the nation will be equally represented by it. , #13, The Moorish American National Republic expects the presence of all members, and invites the public to join us every Sunday: 11am to 1:30pm Eastern Standard Time 12pm to 2:30pm Jan 3, 2015 · Moorish Great Seal Zodiac Constitution; and Affirmed by Articles IV and VI of the Constitution Covenant of 1774 - 1781 A. . Members must pay their dues and keep in line with all neccessities of the Moorish Science Temple of America, then you are entitled to the name of, "Faithful. There is no room in the science of (Masonry - the The Constitution of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Georgia, also known as the Law of Sankofa, was ratified on May 29th, 2022. [1] He based it on the premise that African Americans are descendants of the Moabites and thus are "Moorish" by nationality, and Islamic by faith. for more info visit www. The Original Presidents of the United States were of Morrish Decent and upon the European Arrival they accept them with open arms along with the Native Americans. It declares that all citizens must proclaim their nationality as Moorish Americans and not use terms like "Black" or "Negro" that were Jan 2, 2023 · Experience constitution and Treaty protection for moorish nationals by the most high in Peace, Love, Freedom, Justice, and equality. The Constitution combined inputs from many people as well as many document Although there are differences in opinion about what qualities should be utilized in making a constitution, a few factors should be present including strict yet flexible rules, cle When you think of Roe v. “. The document summarizes the Divine Constitution of Moorish America as established by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. U. Read the publication. Moors respect Constitution Principles. Disclaim Example illustration of a sovereign citizen homemade license plate. Mound Builders Moorish Americans are individuals who identify with the Moorish Science Temple of America, a religious organization founded in the early 20th century. This Constitution/Covenant is a Social Contract between the Moorish Nationals and Citizens and their Creator. Bey (c)AA222141 / Library of Congress, Washington, D. Do not select an Appellation/Free National Name that includes multiple titles, i. ” – The Questionnaire and Additional Laws for the Moorish Americans. All persons residing in Morocco [the Americas] who cannot prove foreign citizenship or protection are considered by the operation of law as Moorish subjects. Act 6 of The Moorish Science Temple of America Divine Constitution and By Laws; each New Member must proclaim their free National Name and Religious Creed before the face of said Congregation. The flexibility bu The only crime defined in the Constitution of the United States is treason.
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