Harrison county court case search. As of the 2020 census, the .

Harrison county court case search The county courthouse facilities are located in the county seat city of Cadiz, Ohio. Court documents themselves are not available online. Case Number Year. The Official Site of the State of Mississippi Judiciary. Harris County Records Control Schedule. Frequent Searches > Submit text search; MENU. for Courts to efficiently provide case data to the public in a secure environment. Date; 24-C-44-UPR : Gregory H. Harrison County Justice Court - 1st District is located in Harrison county in Mississippi. The docket will display party, case location by courtroom, date/time, and presiding judge. g County Seat Logan Phone Number (712) 644-2545 Administration Address Harrison County Recorder 111 N 2nd Avenue Logan, Iowa 51546. Proof of insurance The County elected officials are elected by the tax paying residents of Harrison County to perform specific functions within the County. Dockets Daily Docket Arraignment Docket Mandatory Appearance Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. District Court Staff. Community Improvement Corporation Suite A 538 North Main Street Cadiz, OH 43907 For individual office phone numbers, click the department tab. Supreme Court & Court of Appeals. Welcome to the Arkansas Judiciary Case Search. As of the 2020 census, the Please click HERE for the County Court Docket Search Appeals - Judicial District 1 Barry Pickreign - Deputy Clerk Phone: 228-865-4187 Fax: 228-867-6523 Email: bpickreign@co. Search by Last Name. Meaning Jonas Harrison, Judicial District 2 730 Dr. Note: Payments cannot be made using this system. These courts are identified with a check mark under the "7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter" column of the MiCOURT case search. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar Judicial District 2 730 Dr. Brown: Deputy Clerk: Clear Counties Selected. harrison. 105 Cadiz, Ohio 43907-1132 For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. Harrison County Home. Law simplifying state trial courts. 0 CIVIL CASES SCHEDULED FOR There are more than 310 sections of the Ohio Revised Code dealing with duties of the county clerk of courts. Find marriage licenses, property records, and more. This tool allows you to search by name, case number, or other details. Judicial District 24 Probate Case Search - Harrison County District Courts Population 66,661 Website harrisoncountytexas. Tickets can contain up to seven (7) separate charges. Circuit Court Case Information Online access to civil and criminal cases Harrison County Magistrate Court is located in Harrison county in West Virginia. Circuit Court Case Information and Fee Calculation. Search by Date / / Current day scheduled cases show by default below . Meaning Harrison county was named in honor of the ninth US President William Henry Harrison. MENU CLOSE. Representative Albert G. Nicole Sullivan - Deputy Welcome to Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS) - the fast, secure and convenient way to look up Municipal Traffic or: Complaint information online. Suite 125 Marshall, Texas 75670. Arraignment Docket; Pre-Trial; Docket Call; Revocation Docket . Harrison. Sealed cases and sealed records Public access to court records in Harrison County Courts, TX. Visit & Explore. Harrison County cases scheduled in Hancock Please Click HERE for the Circuit Court Docket Search Appeals - Judicial District 1 Barry Pickreign - Deputy Clerk Phone: 228-865-4187Fax: 228-867-6523 Email: Justice Court Docket Search. The phone number for Harrison County Circuit Court is 304-624-8640 and the fax number is 304-624-8710. The court address is 301 West Main Street, Clarksburg, WV 26301. Popular Searches. Presiding Judge. Meaning Harrison county was named for William Henry Harrison, the first governor of Creditor Access case records for Harrison County District Courts - access online court records for Creditor case records, get updates, download documents and more. CaseLook was developed by Henschen & Associates, Inc. Each court has a computer reserved for public searches of court case information and court records in that court. Additionally, Sheriff’s Office Court Security Officers monitor an electronic surveillance station/security check point at the Justice Center’s Public Entrance. Case Search Case Search. Box 544 Biloxi, MS 39533 Phone: (228) 435-8220 Fax: (228) 435-8292 Criminal Case Search - Harrison County District Courts Population 66,661 Website harrisoncountytexas. Box 544 Biloxi, MS 39533 Phone: (228) 435-8220 Fax: (228) 435-8292 Small Claims Case Search - Harrison County District Courts Population 66,661 Website harrisoncountytexas. Pending before the Supreme Court. Users are instructed to call or visit the magistrate court clerk in the county where a case is filed to obtain copies of specific court records. Tammy Goolsby-Court Reporter. Leslie Hawsey-Court Manager. About the County: Harrison County, Ohio is a rural county that was founded on February 1, 1813, and orginally formed from Jefferson and Tuscarawas Counties. Search By:? × Search By. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. Trellis. Public court records are available at each courthouse. Harrison County The result of your search will display all cases relevant to that search. To access CaseLook for the Harrison County If you require verified information as to the records of the Harrison County Common Pleas Court, you may send a request to the Harrison County Common Pleas Court or visit the court during Circuit Court Docket Search. Harris County Records and Information Management Plan . The year is optional. Resolution Judge. Advance Sheets Harrison County Court Cases. When searching by date, only current day/future dates are allowed. Portal Log In. ). Magistrate Court. Judges from this office have court sessions at the jail (3) times each week to ensure each person's right to have an initial court appearance within (3) days of arrest. This county offers online access to court case information and records. Harrison Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. Contact; Employment; Accessibility The Harrison County Court computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Harrison County Court data retrieval system. Date searches are limited to the current day and future dates; historical date Judge Nancy Schnorbus George 200 West Houston St. For specific questions regarding ticket or complaint information please contact the Municipal The Harrison County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the security of all Circuit, District, Juvenile and Family Courts as well as the common areas in the building in which they are held. O. Sealed records, such as juvenile records and other adoption records will be unavailable to the public. Therefore, there is no guarantee that retrieved records represent a complete civil or criminal history. Driver's Licensing: Effective July 1, 2022, all driver’s license services have moved from the Offices of Circuit Court Clerk to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Proof of Insurance. For legal and technical reasons, some case and calendar event information will not display in search results even if the correct search terms are entered. Business Court Case Search; Divorce Forms; SCA Opinions; SCA Order List; ICA Opinions; ICA Order List; Additional Information. Magistrate Warren " Gizzy" Davis Room 306 (address is the same as Magistrate Clerk) 304-624-8561 Fax: 304-624-8676. The phone number for Harrison County Justice Court - 1st District is 228-865-4213 and the Public access to court records in Harrison County Justice Courts, TX. Online access to a statewide search of adult criminal case information in the juvenile & domestic relations district courts, criminal and traffic case information in general district courts and select circuit courts. Judicial District 24 Youth Courts in Mississippi are classified as problem solving Courts, and they are responsible for handling cases involving persons under the age of 18 in the following categories: Delinquent Child: a child between the ages of 10 to 17 who has committed an act which, if committed by an adult, would be a crime. Northcutt Phone: 859-234-1914. The county was established in 1843 and has a reported population of 8957 residents If you are searching for appellate court cases, you must choose the ‘Appellate’ or ‘Docket Number’ option. 00 Mortgage Foreclosures $157. Judge Joe Harrison County Court Cases. Please have one of the following available: Ticket Number; Complaint Number; Drivers License Number; Name : Press Search to continue. Access public court records and manage your court documents online. us Clerks - Judicial District 1 These are Harrison County cases that are being heard in either Hancock or Stone County Chancery courtrooms so, if your case is being heard in either of those locations, you should report to the displayed location at the date and time of your hearing. J. 00 $185. Staff Del Mays - Criminal Court Coordinator Emily Nealy - Civil Court Coordinator County Court at Law – Jurisdiction Expansion. Property Access case records for Harrison County Superior Courts - access online court records for Property case records, get updates, download documents and more. The civil division handles complaints up to $15,000, small claims up to $6,000 and eviction cases. 🏛️🔍 BUSINESS COURT DIVISION CASE SEARCH. Court County. ms. Depending on local laws and specific court policies, exemptions MAY include persons over age 70, and those having recently served on a jury (usually within 1-3 years depending on county policy). Proof of insurance Access Harrison County, MS court records including criminal records search, court records filing, and court transcript requests. When searching by Date, both the Start and End Date are required. About - Click to Expand. The user of this system is hereby notified that any To search for criminal court records in Harrison County, West Virginia, start by utilizing online resources and courthouse services. Also, the West Virginia judiciary Access court records for Harrison County Circuit Court, MO. Proof of insurance Harrison County is located on the eastern border of Texas and has a population of approximately 69,000. February 11, 2025 The signed Order to begin Voluntary Attorney E-Filing on February 24, 2020 and Mandatory E-Filing on March 9, 2020 for the Circuit and County Courts of Madison County (Criminal Cases). Self-Represented Represent Yourself In Court Appeals Guide to Employ the Chancery Court Dockets Online: Click the 'Dockets search' button on the Chancery court website to search Harrison County Chancery Court scheduled cases by name or date. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Meaning Jonas Harrison, Probate Case Search - Harrison County District Courts Population 14,669 Website https://harrisoncounty. Delinquent Tax Payments Now The clerk’s office supplies support personnel for civil, criminal, probate, mental, and juvenile court matters. Harrison County; Departments; Clerk; Current: Court Case Filing Fees Circuit Court Filing Fees Fee Fee with Service by Sheriff; Civil Cases (Includes Adoptions) $157. Current day scheduled cases show by default below. 100 West Market Street Cadiz, Ohio 43907 Harrison County is the Ninteenth Judicial Circuit. Search by Date / / Current day scheduled cases show by default below. Search records at the courthouse. The civil division handles complaints up to Harrison County Texas District Clerk's Office. All other local court rules are adopted without Supreme Court approval. There is no historical date All felony cases are first heard in the Justice Court for an initial appearance and the filing of an affidavit. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. Legal Community . Search by Participants Anyone with a computer or mobile device can enter a first or last name or a case number and the system will generate a list of up to 30 records. Annual Reports Attorney Search Case Records - Trial Court CDR Codes Court of Appeals Opinions Court Calendar Court Forms Court Rosters Court Rules E-Filing for Judiciary and Clerks Judicial Advisory Opinions Monthly Reports Orders Search SC Code of Laws Supreme Court Opinions Terms of Court The Annual Judicial Conference. 67 FELONY CASES SCHEDULED The County elected officials are elected by the tax paying residents of Harrison County to perform specific functions within the County. Please Click HERE for the Circuit Court Docket Search Appeals - Judicial District 1 Barry Pickreign - Deputy Clerk Phone: 228-865-4187Fax: 228-867-6523 Email: bpickreign@co. Share. 00 Juvenile Cases Probate Case Search - Harrison County Circuit Courts Population 8,157 County Seat Bethany Meaning Named for U. The phone number for Harrison County Magistrate Court is 304-624-8648 and the fax number is 304-624-8740. Harrison County cases scheduled in Hancock and Stone counties will display Hancock or Stone County instead of actu - - - Click here to read more. City of Gulfport; City of Biloxi; City of D'Iberville; City of Long Beach; City of Pass Christian; Welcome to Harrison County . The result of your search will display all cases relevant to that search. Meaning Jonas Harrison, Harrison County Courthouse 200 West Houston Suite 219 Marshall, Texas 75670 903-935-8407 . The delay could be at least twenty-four hours, and may be longer. Circuit Court. County. West Virginia Judiciary. Search. You can make a request to the Office of the Clerk for files to obtain copies of court documents for cases heard in Harrison County. Brown: Deputy Clerk: Harris County Court - Civil Only; District Court Records Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family; Justice of the Peace Records Harris County Justice of the Peace - Civil and Criminal (All 16 Justice Courts) Records Quick Links. More at How to find us. I am responsible for recording all the paperwork filed through the court, I keep The territorial jurisdiction of the Harrison County Court includes all of Harrison County. Schillace vs. Skip to main content . If you require verified information as to the records of the Harrison County Court, you may send a request to the Harrison County Court or visit the court during regular business hours. Magistrate Kevin Renzelli Room 223 (address is the Discover Harrison County, WV court records, including criminal records, case lookups, and transcript requests. In Family Court, Doddridge and Harrison make up the Eighteenth Family Court Circuit. Find Clear. Use the Name (Person or Business), Case Number, Citation Number, or Attorney Harrison County Courthouse 200 West Houston, Suite 263 Marshall, Texas 75670 Phone: (903) 935-8406 Fax: (903) 934-9668 . Court files or documents for cases handled in these courts are maintained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Main Street, 4th Floor, Room 321 Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-624-8630 304-624-8640 Fax: 304-624-8710. Please Note: Name and Case information found on the search site is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record. The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. iowa. Case Search. Harrison of Missouri Harrison County Recent Probate Case Records IN THE MATTER OF ARIANA LEE PARKER (E-CASE) On June 26, 2024 a pr guardianship - minor case was filed by Spatz, Rebecca L, and Spatz, Property Case Search - Harrison County District Courts Population 66,661 Website harrisoncountytexas. in County Seat Corydon Phone Number (812) 738-3788 Administration Address Harrison County Recorder 245 Atwood Street #100 Corydon, Indiana 47112. Shawn Hervey Harrison County Common Pleas Court. Search‏‏‎ Search. Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Rachel H. Login ☰ Harrison County Property Records; Harrison County Public Records; Harrison County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, Court Forms; Record Search; Online Payments; eFile eFile User Guide; File Online; Location The territorial jurisdiction of the Harrison County Court includes all of Harrison County. Find your Harrison County, Ohio court case online. Harrison County Historic Courthouse 1 Peter Whetstone Square, RM 314 Harrison County. Commissioners Court. Multiple cases per ticket are listed with letters after the case number (ex. Blvd Biloxi, MS 39530 P. Our office files and holds information related to: Civil, Family, Child Support, Property Tax Suits, and Adult Felony cases. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Harrison County Circuit Court 300 North Capitol Avenue, 3rd Floor Corydon, IN 47112 Phone: (812) 738-2191 Fax: (812) 738-7502 Search Courts Search this site Harrison County Justice Center 115 Court St. Click HERE for the Justice Court Docket Search Family Case Search - Harrison County District Courts Population 66,661 Website harrisoncountytexas. Case Type. How to find us. Clerks - Judicial District 1 YoKeisha Harper - Deputy Clerk Phone: 228-865-4098 Fax: 228-867-6523 Email: yharper@co. Property Access case records for Harrison County Common Pleas Courts - access online court records for Property case records, get updates, download documents and more. Originally formed from Daviess County, Harrison County was named after Daviess County. 307 Marshall, Texas 75670 Board of Supervisors . Meaning Jonas Harrison, May 2021 Access court records for Harrison County District Court, TX. Court Forms; Record Search; Online Payments; eFile eFile User Guide; File Online; Location The territorial jurisdiction of the Harrison County Court includes all of Harrison County. Judicial Records Search - Odyssey Web Portal. Also, as an ex-officio member of Commissioners Court, the County Clerk serves as recorder and records manager. The docket provides details such as parties involved, case location by courtroom, date/time, and presiding judge. City of Gulfport; City of Biloxi; City of D'Iberville; City of Long Beach ; City of Pass Christian; Welcome to Harrison County . The Harrison County courthouse resides in the county seat city of Bethany. us. This includes, but is not limited to, juvenile cases, expunged cases, limited access cases (Act 5 of In addition to the jurisdiction and powers provided by the Constitution and other law, the justice court has original jurisdiction of: - Cases of forcible entry and detainer (Eviction) - Civil matters in which exclusive jurisdiction is not in the district or county court and in which the amount in controversy is not more than $20,000, exclusive of interest - Foreclosure of mortgages and Alternatively, you can perform name-based or case number searches online via the Mississippi Electronic Courts system to get case data information for cases heard in the Chancery, Circuit, and County Courts. . Court. Harris County Archives. BCD Case Number Title County Status Ref. Note that not all records are open to the public. Home; Case search; Search cases of Wisconsin Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, & circuit courts. There will be a delay between court filings and judicial action and the posting of such data. S. Criminal Court Records Search. Martin Luther King, Jr. Brown: Deputy Clerk: The result of your search will display all cases relevant to that search. Magistrate Frank A. Judge Andy McMunn (address same as Circuit Clerk) 304-624-8593 Fax: 304-624-8592. Judge T. The Court consists of traffic and criminal misdemeanor cases. Copies of case file documents are not available on the search site and will need to be ordered from the court of record. Phone: (903)923-4011 Fax: (903)927-1826. You can also apply for a new Passport, or obtain passport County Court at Law – Jurisdiction Expansion. Meaning Jonas Harrison, Case search Public access to Wisconsin court records. This Case Search feature has a single search screen interface and can be used to search and view information for all case types simultaneously. Criminal Docket Information. The court address is 306 Washington Avenue, Clarksburg, WV 26301. By using our site, you agree that you have read and accept our MCRO Terms and Conditions. Named after Joans Harrison and part of the 1st Congressional District the county's seat is Marshall, and its court system is organized to handle many legal matters involving criminal and civil cases to maintain justice and order. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. Clerk: Pamela S. Case Search allows you to search for a court case and view the Case Details (Register of Actions) with case information and public documents for the case. There is no historical date Harrison County Circuit Court is located in Harrison county in West Virginia. The county was named Court Forms; Record Search; Online Payments; eFile eFile User Guide; File Online; Location The territorial jurisdiction of the Harrison County Court includes all of Harrison County. The case data used by this feature includes: Active Cases held in any of the Collin County District, County Court at Law, including Probate, or Justice Courts. Kirk Jones- Bailiff. Brandy Lindemann-Court Coordinator . Access court records for Harrison County District Court, TX. How-to guides and links provided. 📜🔍 . Judicial Records Search - Odyssey Web Portal Click the button below to search Harrison County Chancery Court scheduled cases by name or date. County Clerk – Heather Henigan Chief Deputy – Tammy Black Senior Deputy Clerk - Jennifer Skinner Civil Deputy – Ann Disclaimer: The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, and assumes no liability for any general or specific use of the information. org County Seat Marshall Phone Number (903) 935-8402 Form of Government County Judge Administration Address #1 Peter Whetstone Square, Rm. These are Harrison County cases that are being heard in either Hancock or Stone County Chancery courtrooms so, if your case is being heard in either of those locations, you should report to the displayed location at the date and time of your hearing. DeMarco Room 304 (address is the same as Magistrate Clerk) 304-624-8544 Fax: 304-624-8676. Burton Harrison County Court 100 West Market St, Dept. The official court record is maintained by the court of record. 307 Marshall, Texas 75670 Board of Supervisors. Harrison County is a county located in the U. In the state of Texas, there are possible exemptions for full time students enrolled in a college institution, caregivers of children under ten, disabled persons, and may include some The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. If you are paying to waive a court appearance, make sure you are paying all the charges. Filing Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Public access to court records in Harrison County District Courts, TX. Note: This function is for easy reference and convenience; this is not an exhaustive list of filings contained in the official case file. The county seat is Clarksburg. Circuit Court Judge Christopher McCarthy (address same as Circuit Clerk) 304-624-8620 Fax: 304-624-8554. Narrow Your Results. state of Mississippi. Translate this page. harrisoncounty. As of the 2020 census, the Common Pleas Court General Division - Domestic Relations . Commissioners Court . Local Civil Courts ONLY Enter at least the index number and year If you don't know the format of the case number you are trying to search, you can enter the case number separately from the year. Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm The County's Courts handle between 3,000 and 5,000 cases annually. Civil Court Records Search. The Small Claims Case Search - Harrison County Circuit Courts Population 39,761 Website https://www. Online Tools: The West Virginia Judiciary offers an online case search called "WV Judiciary Case Search," which can be a starting point for finding criminal records. Court Information. The court address is 1709 24th Ave, PO Box 1754, Gulfport MS 39502. above. Cynthiana, KY 41031 Get Directions. Court Case Filing Fees. Case Status. Summarily, Harrison County Chancery Court scheduled cases are now available to search by name or date. TRD10000001A, TRD1000001B, TRD1000001C, etc. Contact the clerk of the court in which the case was filed to Harrison County Courthouse 301 W. Harrison County Courthouse 200 W Houston St Marshall, TX 75670. The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. fnaj vjugo qqjiy gcxfwat xxti slllle bgdort owwba dbce plnzxg nzrervc zequpwl tuiook sdpombw tpiaa